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Master in Marketing and Advertising

Aims and Objectives

The Master in Marketing & Advertising is designed to educate managers from the public and private sector in order to develop their skills in managing businesses in the market economy.


The program will offer courses that will cover all aspects of managing the commercial and the communication aspects of the business, whether the area of activities are business to consumers or business to business.


-          Its target : students should be willing to pursue a career in marketing, sales, communication, PR & advertising on the domestic or on the international market

-          Its content : courses will include advanced specialized courses in marketing and advertising; there will be an alternation of 2 majors (each year one of the 2 major); the first major is marketing management (as in the previous intakes of this program) and the other is a major in advertising.



The duration of the program is 18 months among which 15 months are for the lecturers and 3 months for final project writing.


Degrees will be signed by both HCMCOU and SBS, ULB


Admission requirements

- Recognized university bachelor degree

- At least 2 years professional experience (in executive position and not to be done together with studies)

- Proficiency in English (TOEFL 550 or equivalent);

- Successful appreciation of application form questions :

a-      Explain how getting a degree in marketing management will fit in your career plans. In that respect, why do you choose a marketing specialization and not a general management degree ?

b-      Describe a situation (professional or private life) proving that you have the talents needed to succeed in a marketing or sales position

c-      What do you think are the 3 main challenges of Vietnamese companies in relation with the development of a market economy ?



Course Organization:

  • The program will start yearly in May/June after selection in April.
  • Courses are recognized in evenings and weekends, from 6pm to 9pm. Classes will take place on the main campus of HCMC Open University, 97 Vo Van Tan, HCMC.